
The City of Atlanta
alone handled
1.3 Million
inbound 911 calls in 2023

In 2023, Atlanta's E-911 Communications Center managed 1,357,056 calls. Only 3.5%, or 45,000 of those calls were emergencies.

This unprecedented number represents a substantial increase in total volume over three years. Quickly handling these calls can mean the difference between life and death. In recent years, 911 centers nationwide have seen answer and response times increase to concerning levels. For Atlanta, reversing this trend is of paramount importance.

1.3 M
Inbound Calls
Emergency Calls Only

Since taking office, fixing Atlanta's E-911 system has been a top priority of Mayor Dickens' One Safe City plan. Working closely with Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum and the Atlanta City Council, Mayor Dickens has prioritized staffing, improved technologies, and ensuring that non-emergency calls go to 311.

Filling staff vacancies and re-focusing on people makes a difference.

Being fully staffed is paramount for fast and accurate responses, and as of early 2024, almost all vacancies have been filled. APD has implemented welcome changes like base pay raises, pay incentives for holidays, special events, and unscheduled high-volume days to boost retention and keep the new-hire pipeline full.

Training has also changed to make it more easily accessible with virtual options and to provide more hands-on opportunities while in training. Call takers who have completed that portion of their training can now pull out of training to help take calls during high-volume times, which helps reduce callers' wait times. Other changes to employee training include telephone CPR certification for all staff and other professional development opportunities.